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Independence Court of Monroeville

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279 Center Road, Monroeville, PA 15146
Care provided: Assisted Living
For more information about assisted living options 866-567-1335 The phone number connects you with a local advisor from
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  • Community Information

    Independence Court of Monroeville is an assisted living facility in Monroeville, PA. Independence Court of Monroeville offers activities at their location for residents. These activities generally allow residents to maintain healthy lifestyles by encouraging movement and socializing with their peers.

    Being able to chat with other residents becomes an important part of many peoples' lives and Independence Court of Monroeville offers common spaces indoors to support that need. The benefit of living in an assisted living community is that making meals can be costly and time consuming process so Independence Court of Monroeville provides meals for residents.

    Staff is awake and available 24 hours a day so if any emergencies occur no matter the time, there will be someone ready to help.

    Unique Features

    * Spacious and luxurious building (wide hallways), warm decor
    * Enclosed courtyard
    * Outdoor gardens
    * Cozy parlors on every floor
    * Great activities director
    * Recreational and social events
    * Exercise area
    * Wheelchair friendly activity van
    * Inviting, active community and staff
  • Residents


    The minimum age that a resident may be is 55 years old.


    Nurses on Staff
    Doctor on Call
    24-Hour Awake Staff
    Visiting Nurse
    Homecare Onsite
    Visiting Podiatrist
    Visiting Physical Therapist
    Visiting Occupational Therapist
    Visiting Speech Therapist

    Facility Care Level

    Care Level Percentage
    Light Care 0%
    Medium Care 60%
    Heavy Care 40%

    Independence Court of Monroeville prefers that residents need: light care, medium care, heavy care

    Additional Services

    Diabetic Care
    This community offers diabetes care and can offer insulin injections, including sliding scale therapy.

    Memory Care Offered
    This community employs technology to prevent residents from wandering and becoming lost, for example bracelets that will ring an alarm if the resident leaves the community.

    Incontinence Care
    This community can care for residents with bowel incontinence. This community can care for residents with bladder incontinence.

    Non Ambulatory Care
    This community can provide a 2 person assisted transfer for residents who need help transferring, for example, from a bed into a wheelchair.

    Other Care
    This community provides multiple levels of care allowing residents to remain at the community while receiving increasing care.
  • Transportation

    Resident Parking Available
    Complimentary Transportation
    Transportation at Cost
    Property Convenient to Busline


    Allowed Outdoors

    Additional Amenities

    Activities Onsite
    Activities Offsite
    Devotional Services Onsite
    Outdoor Common Areas
    Indoor Common Areas
    Beautician Onsite

    Other Services

    Wheelchair Accessible Showers
    Hospice Available
    Respite Offered
    Aging in Place


    Meals Provided

    Activities Provided

    None specified at this time.
  • Average Room Pricing at Independence Court of Monroeville

    Room Type Assisted Living
    Studio 3360.00 Monthly
    1 Bedroom 4230.00 Monthly
    Semi-Private 2200.00 Monthly
    2 Bedrooms
    Disclaimer: The prices, amenities, features and care offered at senior communities are all subject to change; therefore information on this community profile may be out of date. Please note the costs per community are rough estimates; actual costs may vary depending on special offers and discounts, additional fees for services and care, and availability.

    Estimated Fees at Independence Court of Monroeville

    Fee Type Assisted Living
    Community Fee 1500.00 One-time
    Respite Fee 92.00 Daily
    Buy-In Fee
    High Care Needs Fee 500.00 Monthly
    Medium Care Needs Fee 350.00 Monthly
    Low Care Needs Fee 250.00 Monthly
    2nd Person Fee
    Disclaimer: The prices, amenities, features and care offered at senior communities are all subject to change; therefore information on this community profile may be out of date. Please note the costs per community are rough estimates; actual costs may vary depending on special offers and discounts, additional fees for services and care, and availability.

    Paying for care

    Commercial Insurance
    Private pay
    Social Security
    Separate pricing structure for care
    Veteran's benefits

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Nearby Cities

City Distance Number of Facilities Average CostAverage Cost for 1 Bedroom
Monroeville0 miles2$4,480
Penn Hills2 miles2$3,800
Turtle Creek3 miles1$2,300
Pittsburgh5 miles10$3,720
West Mifflin7 miles1N/A
White Oak7 miles1$2,970

General Pricing Information for Monroeville Assisted Living

Room Type Minimum Cost Average Cost Maximum Cost
1 Bedroom$3,800$4,475$5,400

Community Reviews

A very good place for a family member.

reviewed on: 06/03/2018 by The Hand Family

My 90 year old widowed mother wanted to stay in her own house until the very last minute despite the efforts of the family. And then chaos happened, all the medical problems became active at the same time. Being at home was no longer an option. The family visited four or five facilities. We choose Independence Court for a number of reasons: 1. It was the only facility that had 24X7 RN on duty. 2. Their staff tenure is many times longer than the other places we visited. The day I visited, a cake was in the break room for a 20 year employee. The staff seems happy. 3. The variety of planned activities was good. 4. They encourage the residents to get out of their rooms. The residents seem to be happy despite a bad situation. 5. The call button displays in the halls were not always on. They seem to have enough staff. My mother is now deceased but her quality of life was good considering circumstance. Before you commit to a facility, I encourage you to take a tour. Plus, sit in various locations within the building a just observe for a few minutes: the dining hall, activity rooms, outside the nursing station, common areas and especially the hallways.

My Mom is finally safe & happy!

reviewed on: 01/08/2014 by Happy family

Independence Court is in Monroeville in PA. Their sign says they got the 2013 gold medal from the local paper as the Best Assisted Living. I think that they deserve every bit of that Gold medal. When you walk in the door, the first thing that hits you is the smile on the receptionist face. All of the ones who work there are really sweet & helpful. These people who live there too have made her feel so good and welcome. She wasn't taking her pills right & wasn't eating. My Mom didn't want to go anywhere but stay home. Other places like theirs only have highschool kids taking care of the people and giving them there pills. This place has nurses all day long. They said she probably will never have to go to a nursing home. At first my Mom said she didn't want to do anything. The other people who live there have got her to go with them out to eat and out to Kmart. The food is great so she's eating. She said she wished she would have met them all before now. It kind of looks like a really nice hotel in the rooms. Everything smells clean and new. My mom is happy and we are happy.

They are wonderful.

reviewed on: 01/07/2014 by Family

They are wonderful. I would say, make very clear the level of need, because if there is an issue with not enough staffing or anything, then you have no recourse. I hear complaints and I know people have problems nothing is perfect so make sure it is the right fit for you. She can vocalize her needs so it's great for her. I like this facility, She loved the food at first but now she says it's bad but when I addressed it is getting bettter. There is some care that exceeds some of my expectations, the activities people are wonderful!! People should see what they are doing and do the same, the head of activities and her assistant, Sharon and Micki, they get 20 stars, they are just awesome!! They go to the casino and the grocery store, and the dollar store, and they are wonderful. The cleanliness was one of the most important parts to me and they are right on it! The nursing staff is good but they are understaffed. Once I got her up there and decided this is where she was going to stay I felt like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders, because the responsibility of her care was now shared, if I get a call in the middle of the night I don't have to worry because someone is right on it. I think people don't listen to the residents very much. They have some good administrative people there that have to work through a lot of red tape, but there is no administrative staff on duty on the weekends, the headnurse and the front desk girl is it. All in all I would reccommend this place. I like them very much, everyone needs improvement but I like them. I think they do a wonderful service fot these people.

It's Great

reviewed on: 05/18/2015 by Anonymous

The Independence Court of Monroeville is great. They do such a good job. My overall rating of this property is 5 stars. It is a nice community. I rate the cleanliness 5 stars because it's a very clean facility. I rate the friendliness 5 stars because the staff has been very kind. I rate the value 5 stars. I rate the care services 5 stars. I rate the activities 5 stars. Overall, it has been a great experience.

Good and Bad!

reviewed on: 05/07/2019 by Sandra Christopher

My mother has been there a few months, everyone there is nice to her and the food is good, but I am not happy about the lack of communication, If you have to call and leave a message they don't call you back, and I am not always informed of any changes in her condition. I am disabled and don't drive, so I am not in there as much as I would like to be. She doesn't receive the care that I am paying for (she is at the most expensive level) but that could be that she refuses a lot of things. I think the employes should be used to that though and be able to urge her to dress (which she needs assistance with) , shower, go to meals at the dining room etc. They are like a lot of other homes in that there are not enough aides on duty and can't take the time to spend with the patients to give them a little extra care or encouragement. My cousin had to go in and dust her room, it was so bad. But again my mother could have refused to have someone clean it. They don't have regular meetings with the family like most homes do, only if the family requests it! All in all I expected a much better experience for the money I am paying!

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