Community Information
North Pointe of Asheboro is an assisted living facility in Randleman, NC. North Pointe of Asheboro offers activities at their location for residents. These activities generally allow residents to maintain healthy lifestyles by encouraging movement and socializing with their peers.
Being able to chat with other residents becomes an important part of many peoples' lives and North Pointe of Asheboro offers common spaces indoors to support that need. The benefit of living in an assisted living community is that making meals can be costly and time consuming process so North Pointe of Asheboro provides meals for residents.
Staff is awake and available 24 hours a day so if any emergencies occur no matter the time, there will be someone ready to help.
MaleFemaleThe minimum age that a resident may be is 55 years old.
Doctor on Call24-Hour Awake StaffVisiting NurseHomecare OnsiteVisiting Physical TherapistVisiting Occupational Therapist
Facility Care Level
Care Level Percentage Light Care % Medium Care % Heavy Care % Additional Services
Diabetic Care
This community offers diabetes care and can offer insulin injections, including sliding scale therapy.
Incontinence Care
Incontinent residents must be able to manage incontinence themselves. This staff at this community can remind incontinent residents to use the restroom. This community can care for residents with bowel incontinence. This community can care for residents with bladder incontinence.
Non Ambulatory Care
This community can provide a 2 person assisted transfer for residents who need help transferring, for example, from a bed into a wheelchair.
Resident Parking AvailableComplimentary TransportationTransportation at CostProperty Convenient to BuslineSmoking
Allowed OutdoorsAdditional Amenities
Activities OnsiteActivities OffsiteDevotional Services OnsiteDevotional Services OffsiteOutdoor Common AreasIndoor Common AreasBeautician OnsiteOther Services
Wheelchair Accessible ShowersHospice AvailableRespite OfferedMeals
Meals ProvidedKosherVegetarianActivities Provided
Shopping, musical entertainment, exercises, dining out, trips to museums, fairs and other attractions, devotional and religious services, pet therapy, etc. -
Average Room Pricing at North Pointe of Asheboro
Room Type Assisted Living Studio 1 Bedroom 2620.00 Monthly Semi-Private 2350.00 Monthly 2 Bedrooms Disclaimer: The prices, amenities, features and care offered at senior communities are all subject to change; therefore information on this community profile may be out of date. Please note the costs per community are rough estimates; actual costs may vary depending on special offers and discounts, additional fees for services and care, and availability.
Estimated Fees at North Pointe of Asheboro
Fee Type Assisted Living Community Fee Respite Fee Buy-In Fee High Care Needs Fee Medium Care Needs Fee Low Care Needs Fee 2nd Person Fee Disclaimer: The prices, amenities, features and care offered at senior communities are all subject to change; therefore information on this community profile may be out of date. Please note the costs per community are rough estimates; actual costs may vary depending on special offers and discounts, additional fees for services and care, and availability.
Paying for care
Commercial InsurancePrivate paySocial SecuritySeparate pricing structure for careVeteran's benefits
Nearby Communities
If North Pointe of Asheboro isn't quite what you're looking for, take a look at a few other nearby communities that might be a better match.
Nearby Cities
City | Distance | Number of Facilities | Average CostAverage Cost for 1 Bedroom |
Randleman | 0 miles | 1 | $2,620 |
Asheboro | 3 miles | 1 | $4,310 |
Archdale | 11 miles | 1 | N/A |
High Point | 17 miles | 4 | $2,880 |
Greensboro | 19 miles | 7 | $3,550 |
Lexington | 23 miles | 1 | $4,320 |
General Pricing Information for Randleman Assisted Living
Room Type | Minimum Cost | Average Cost | Maximum Cost |
1 Bedroom | $2,620 | $2,620 | $2,620 |
Semi-Private | $2,350 | $2,350 | $2,350 |
Community Reviews
A New Normal
reviewed on: 01/10/2018 by Toni MortonMy mother has only been a resident at North Pointe of Asheboro for a few weeks, but it has been a blessing! She needed a facility where her medications would be provided as scheduled and where meals would be prepared. Mild cognitive impairment requires reminders and support. They also check on her throughout the day. The staff has always been engaged with her for physical as well as emotional needs and she has the sweetest neighbors who have taken her under their wing. Her laundry is done on a weekly schedule or as needed and she receives help with bathing. She has her hair fixed weekly as she has been accustom to for many years. Activities are available for fun, exercise, entertainment, and religious interest. Transportation to doctors is provided and outings are planned for those who wish to partipate. The decor is beautiful and is updated for seasons and holidays. I feel free to talk to any staff member when I have questions or problems and I feel comfortable about moms care. I do not worry throughout the day about mother's safety, needed meds or nutrition as I did when she was home alone. Thank you, North Pointe!
Appreciation for North Pointe of Asheboro
reviewed on: 10/20/2017 by Linda ThomasNorth Pointe of Asheboro has been assisting my 90 year old Mom for seven years now. She needed a facility where her medications would be provided as scheduled or as needed and where meals would be prepared and served and where mild cognitive impairment could be acknowledged. Even when there have been staff changes, the staff has always been engaged with her for physical as well as emotional needs. Her laundry is done on a regular basis and she receives help with bathing and dressing. She has her hair fixed weekly, so she always looks pretty. Activities are available for fun, exercise entertainment, and spiritual interest. Transportation to doctors is provided and outings are planned for those who wish to partipate. The decor is pleasant and is updated for seasons and holidays. I feel free to talk to any staff member when I have questions or problems and I feel comfortable about her care. I don't believe any facility is perfect, but the pluses certainly outweigh any negatives at North Pointe of Asheboro! Thank you, North Pointe!
Happy with Mother's Care
reviewed on: 10/20/2017 by Randy CoxMy mother has been a resident at North Pointe for 8 years. We have been happy with the care that she has received. They do treat their residents like family.
New Phase of Life
reviewed on: 10/21/2017 by Gwen PotterMy father has been a resident at North Pointe of Asheboro for almost two years. It was a difficult decision for him and family to make. He knew he could no longer keep up with managing his medication and day to day living skills so he chose to go to North Pointe on his own. It took him a little while to ajust, but now he is content and happy. We visit him quite often and love to see how the staff and my dad interacts with each other. I am thankful that the staff has been there for a while so the residents can build trust and a relationship with. The director has an open door policy to bring any concerns to and ready to address them. I can honestly say it is a true blessing to know when I lay my head down at night I know in my heart that my dad is safe, warm, happy, and being cared for during this new phase of his life. I am giving a 4 star rating only because there is always room to continue to grow. Thank you North Pointe keep growing..
A Special Place to Call Home
reviewed on: 11/01/2017 by Jane StoneIt has been five years this this month since Mother chose to make North Pointe of Asheboro her home. I was impressed with the staff and facility on my first visit and have continued to value both even more over the years. An inviting atmosphere and home-like environment greets everyone at the door and extends throughout the building. More importantly, the dedicated and professional staff provides a wide spectrum of care to meet the individual needs of every resident. Someone is always available to offer an encouraging word, provide general assistance, host or supervise activities, administer prescribed medications, assist in case of emergency – the list goes on and on. Should a staff member ever notice any area of concern, there is contact with a family member to make them aware and/or keep them informed. North Pointe exemplifies the environment we expected in an assisted living community. I have a great time “going home” to visit mother knowing when I am not with her she is loved and cared for by a fantastic team of professionals.