When seniors move to an assisted living community, they are often looking for a home where they can age in place safely and stably. When an assisted living community shuts down,however, it can cause significant hardship for residents and their family members.
Fortunately, this doesn’t happen often, but it happens enough that it’s worth discussing. For example, in Youngtown, Arizona, residents were left scrambling when their assisted living community was closed without warning.
When Your Parent’s Assisted Living Closes
When assisted living communities close there are usually warning signs that can include:
- A decreased quality of care
- Frequent changes in executive director position
- Multiple management or ownership changes
- Staffing levels are cut
- The community is for sale
Changes like these are signs of instability and usually don’t bode well for the community. Not all communities with warning signs such as these close down, but they are rarely a positive indication.
Where to Find Assisted Living
When you see warning signs such as these occurring at an assisted living community where your loved one lives, you should begin to explore other options. That way you will be ready to make a move at short notice, should it become necessary.
If you are at the point where you need to explore other options for your loved one, you can find assisted living here.
Our local Senior Living Advisors can give you a list of alternatives in your area that meet your family’s needs. To learn more about how we can help your family, read our “About Us” page.